Recommended parameters are automatically generated based on technical analysis of the symbol price.Details
Time Period
7 Day
30 Day
180 Day
Lower Price
Upper Price
Grid Number
Profit/Grid (fees deducted)
Copy parameters to Manual settings
Avbl 0.0000 USDT
Buy Coin
Initial Margin
Total Investment
Neutral:Ideal for range-bound markets. Create sell and buy orders with Grid with no positions.
Long:Ideal for trending and volatile bull markets. Open long positions with Grid.
Short:Ideal for trending and volatile bear markets. Open short position with Grid.
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पुष्टि करें(6s)
महत्वपूर्ण सूचना
New Listing: BRUSDT Perp Contract
BR (1-25 leverage) USDT-M perpetual futures trading is live!
२०२५-०३-२२ ०८:३०
System Upgrade and Maintenance Notice
XT will carry out system upgrade maintenance on March 28, 2025, starting at 23:00 (UTC). During maintenance, spot and futures trading may experience delays or order failures. The transfer function between spot and futures accounts will be unavailable.
२०२५-०३-२७ १०:००
New Listing: PARTIUSDT Perp Contract
PARTI (1-75 leverage) USDT-M perpetual futures trading is live!
२०२५-०३-२६ ०८:३०
New Listing: NILUSDT Perp Contract
NIL (1-75 leverage) USDT-M perpetual futures trading is live!
२०२५-०३-२६ ०८:३०
Multiple Perp Contracts Delisting Notice
The AERGOUSDT, ASTUSDT, BUGERUSDT, COMBOUSDT and LINAUSDT perpetual futures are about to be delisted. Please close your positions before 09:00 on March 27, 2025 (UTC) to avoid automatic liquidation.
२०२५-०३-२४ १३:५७
New Listing: BRUSDT Perp Contract
BR (1-25 leverage) USDT-M perpetual futures trading is live!
२०२५-०३-२२ ०८:३०
System Upgrade and Maintenance Notice
XT will carry out system upgrade maintenance on March 28, 2025, starting at 23:00 (UTC). During maintenance, spot and futures trading may experience delays or order failures. The transfer function between spot and futures accounts will be unavailable.
२०२५-०३-२७ १०:००
New Listing: PARTIUSDT Perp Contract
PARTI (1-75 leverage) USDT-M perpetual futures trading is live!
२०२५-०३-२६ ०८:३०
New Listing: NILUSDT Perp Contract
NIL (1-75 leverage) USDT-M perpetual futures trading is live!
२०२५-०३-२६ ०८:३०
Multiple Perp Contracts Delisting Notice
The AERGOUSDT, ASTUSDT, BUGERUSDT, COMBOUSDT and LINAUSDT perpetual futures are about to be delisted. Please close your positions before 09:00 on March 27, 2025 (UTC) to avoid automatic liquidation.
२०२५-०३-२४ १३:५७
New Listing: BRUSDT Perp Contract
BR (1-25 leverage) USDT-M perpetual futures trading is live!