APass Coin


참고: 이 플랫폼은 해당 통화의 거래 서비스를 지원하지 않습니다.
$0.01350496 -1.4%

      전체 계좌

      apc 실시간 가격 데이터

      apc 가격정보

      24시간 최저/고가

      24시간 최저 $0.01350496
      24시간 최고 $0.01377485

      역대 최고가


      역대 최저가


      7일 동안 최고가


      7일 동안 최저가


      apc 시장정보

      시가총액 순위

      잠재적 요소평가

      총 공급량


      최대 공급량

      시가총액 우위




      에 대한 apc

      APass is a membership-based experience center, which integrates DIDs, quests, level up system, market and GameFi. We try to use the traditional economics logic to create a self-balancing token $APC from mining to consumption, Have been purchased DIDs domains, you will have APass membership, so that you can mint APC, bond your icon, social media accounts etc, and complete various interesting quests on Apter to earn rewards and level up. Members can trade various assets on UniBazaar with other members for free. APC can be used as tokens on APortal game center. War Of Apter, which is online now, is a pixelate market prediction betting game. In future plans, more games will be GameFi and launch on APass eco: 1. BallHunters, a multi-player battle royal 2. SangoSamurai, a single-player strategy game We emphasize that a healthy eco development and community building. We provide MOVE ecosystem a reliable Oracle service - AOracle, open-source SDK and tools, design quests for partners to increase user activities, grow with other ecosystems together.


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