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      keysatin 실시간 가격 데이터

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      keysatin 시장정보

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      총 공급량


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      에 대한 keysatin

      Key of Life Finance, a Decentralized, Multichain Automizer Vaults that allows its users to earn safe & efficient compound interest on their crypto holdings. Inspired by precursive projects Beefy Finance we have developed our own Multichain Automizer Vaults, audited by Certik and PeckShield. $KOL token will officially go multichain as a deflationary multichain store of value coin with treasury that stacks governance tokens to create multiple flywheels. $KeySATIN is an algorithmic synthetic currency pegged to the price of SATIN, minted & paired with SATIN - a solution for protocols on POLYGON. KeySATIN's "lock & earn" mechanism grows and sustains the value of SATIN, thus is the flywheel for user's $SATIN position. With a set of investment strategies secured and enforced by smart contracts, Key of Life Finance through keySATIN automatically maximizes the user rewards from various liquidity pools (LPs),‌ ‌automated market making (AMM) projects,‌ ‌and‌ ‌other yield‌ farming ‌opportunities in the DeFi ecosystem. The $keySATIN/$SATIN pair will bring APR, benefiting both SATIN holders & the SATIN ecosystem


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