Waste Digital Coin


참고: 이 플랫폼은 해당 통화의 거래 서비스를 지원하지 않습니다.
$0.00031344 +0.0%

      전체 계좌

      waco 실시간 가격 데이터

      waco 가격정보

      24시간 최저/고가

      24시간 최저 $0.00031188
      24시간 최고 $0.00031571

      역대 최고가


      역대 최저가


      7일 동안 최고가


      7일 동안 최저가


      waco 시장정보

      시가총액 순위

      잠재적 요소평가


      총 공급량


      최대 공급량


      시가총액 우위




      에 대한 waco

      WaCo (Waste digital coin) solution aims to integrate the consumer with the WaCo APP into the waste chain system. With WaCo, consumers enjoy benefits while disposing of wastes. The idea is to reward users with cryptocurrency tokens after successfully disposing of their waste. In exchange, crucial data will be obtained from consumers, such as customer patterns, accumulation and handling of waste, and availability of disposed products to feed the recycling industry. The information obtained from the consumers can be used by stakeholders such as the recycling industry, consumer goods manufacturers, and government bodies in charge of waste collection policies. The WaCo project focuses on many different layers of impact, from social, ethnical, environmental and educational impact on one hand to business and revenues opportunity on the other. With one big impact, all the objectives are synchronized in the same direction of sustainability. WaCo aims to achieve a win win situation for every party involved in the project.


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      가격 하락 순위

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