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    Easy P2P tradings in just 3 steps!

    1. Place an order

    Choose the advertisement with price and payment method meet your requirements.
    Input the purchase amount and quantity to complete the order.

    2. Payment

    Remit to the seller according to the payment information shown in the order.

    3. Get crypto

    The seller will release the token after receiving the payment.
    You can go to your spot account to check the token you received.


    What is P2P (peer-to-peer) trading?
    How to sign up to be a merchant?
    How to buy or sell cryptocurrency on XT P2P?
    Which cryptocurrencies are supported on our P2P Trading?
    Are the offers I see on the P2P exchange provided by XT?
    How does XT safeguard the traders?
    How do I submit KYC?
    Can I buy from sellers in other countries or regions?
    How to view the completed order?
    How do I edit my username and personal information?