Ocean Protocol


$0.347334 +4.4%

      Tổng quan

      ocean sang nội tệ

      ocean Thông tin giá cả

      Giá thấp nhất/Giá cao nhất 24H

      Giá thấp nhất 24H $0.330734
      24h Cao $0.350369

      Cao nhất mọi thời đại


      Thấp nhất mọi thời đại


      Giá cao nhất 7D


      Giá thấp nhất 7D


      ocean Thông tin thị trường

      Xếp hạng vốn hóa thị trường


      Giá trị pha loãng hoàn toàn


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      Lợi thế vốn hóa thị trường


      Lưu hành/Tổng vốn hóa thị trường


      Về ocean

      Ocean Protocol is an ecosystem for sharing data and associated services. It provides a tokenized service layer that exposes data, storage, compute and algorithms for consumption with a set of deterministic proofs on availability and integrity that serve as verifiable service agreements. There is staking on services to signal quality, reputation and ward against Sybil Attacks. Ocean helps to unlock data, particularly for AI. It is designed for scale and uses blockchain technology that allows data to be shared and sold in a safe, secure and transparent manner. The Ocean Protocol is an ecosystem composed of data assets and services, where assets are represented by data and algorithms, and services are represented by integration, processing and persistence mechanisms. Ocean Protocol facilitates discovery by storing and promoting metadata, linking assets and services, and provides a licensing framework that has toolsets for pricing. A multitude of data marketplaces can hook into Ocean Protocol to provide “last mile” services to connect data providers and consumers. Ocean Protocol is designed so that data owners cannot be locked-in to any single marketplace. The data owner controls each dataset.

      1 ocean1.00 usd

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