
$49.38 +1.8%

      Tổng quan

      okb sang nội tệ

      okb Thông tin giá cả

      Giá thấp nhất/Giá cao nhất 24H

      Giá thấp nhất 24H $48.5
      24h Cao $49.44

      Cao nhất mọi thời đại


      Thấp nhất mọi thời đại


      Giá cao nhất 7D


      Giá thấp nhất 7D


      okb Thông tin thị trường

      Xếp hạng vốn hóa thị trường


      Giá trị pha loãng hoàn toàn


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      Cung cấp tối đa


      Lợi thế vốn hóa thị trường


      Lưu hành/Tổng vốn hóa thị trường


      Về okb

      OKEx, the 2nd most popular cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume, launched its platform token ‘OKB‘ today with 10 trading pairs. On its official support page, OKEx describes OKB is a global utility token issued by the OK Blockchain Foundation. The total available supply of OKB will be one billion tokens (1,000,000,000), with a distribution model that allocates 60% of the supply will be given out to OKEx customers for community building and during marketing campaigns. According to OKEx, the company had officially issued OKB on ERC20 protocol earlier this month. The company denied ICO (initial coin offering) and public fundraising. Reportedly the company had stated that it would be soon shifting the token to its official OK chain and subsequently it will be applied not only on OKEx’s platform but also on other related projects. There will be in total 1 billion tokens supplied globally out of which 600 million coins will be distributed to OKEx customers for community building and marketing campaigns. Rest will be locked up for a period of 1 year to 3 years. According to OKEx, the company had officially issued OKB on ERC20 protocol earlier this month. The company denied ICO (initial coin offering) and public fundraising. Reportedly the company had stated that it would be soon shifting the token to its official OK chain and subsequently it will be applied not only on OKEx’s platform but also on other related projects. There will be in total 1 billion tokens supplied globally out of which 600 million coins will be distributed to OKEx customers for community building and marketing campaigns. Rest will be locked up for a period of 1 year to 3 years.

      1 okb1.00 usd

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