Rocket Pool


$7.21 +4.5%

      Tổng quan

      rpl sang nội tệ

      rpl Thông tin giá cả

      Giá thấp nhất/Giá cao nhất 24H

      Giá thấp nhất 24H $6.78
      24h Cao $7.19

      Cao nhất mọi thời đại


      Thấp nhất mọi thời đại


      Giá cao nhất 7D


      Giá thấp nhất 7D


      rpl Thông tin thị trường

      Xếp hạng vốn hóa thị trường


      Giá trị pha loãng hoàn toàn


      Tổng cung


      Cung cấp tối đa

      Lợi thế vốn hóa thị trường


      Lưu hành/Tổng vốn hóa thị trường


      Về rpl

      Rocket Pool is Ethereum’s most decentralised liquid staking protocol. Liquid stakers can participate by depositing as little as 0.01 ETH to receive the rETH liquid staking token. Rocket Pool is a fully non-custodial solution, and its node operators are economically-aligned to perform well for stakers. Joining as a node operator is fully permissionless and requires just 16 ETH (instead of the usual 32). A boosted ROI is provided from both operator commission plus RPL rewards. The Rocket Pool team have been in the staking space since its inception in 2016, which gives them a pedigree and track record without peer.

      1 rpl1.00 usd

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